Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Every audience has one...

I'm a pretty big fan of anything involving bear costumes, so when I saw the new Of Montreal video I got pretty excited...

And there's always...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

He Had Trouble Joining...

This is from a site called College Humor. Last week they advertised a new segment called The Michael Showalter Showalter, and though I'm not a fan of his live act I think Michael Showalter is funny so I was intriqued by the show. When I found out that his guest on the opening show would be Zach Galifianakis (my current favorite stand-up) I hit the roof. I searched for it all day yesterday and it was nowhere on their site and that was a total let down, but today they finally had it listed.

It's a bummer that Dog Bites Man is cancelled, but the video is still great.

More to come...

Friday, January 12, 2007

More Embedded Goodness...

If anybody can make her laugh, it's this guy:

Thanks to Andrew P. for the link.

This might not be funny if you haven't seen the episode, but if you haven't seen the episode you should leave work right now (fake a stomach cramp) and get a copy of the disk. Sealab 2021 is consistently funny, no matter how many times an episode has already been seen and this is one of my favorite clips from the show:

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I Need To Grab Firefox...

Sorry for the absence, been busy moving and I need to grab Firefox to really get back into the Goulash swing of things. Either isn't Safari friendly or it's just me, but I'll download it soon (after Must See TV) and be back in no time. Until then:

More to come...