Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Practice for the next thing...

The internet is down at work and it’s causing me to lose my mind a little. I wanted to check when the Hawkeyes play next but nothing doing. The problem is that I can’t ask anybody for help on the fear that they’ll ask, “What do you need the internet for?” I don’t need it for anything work related so here I am, sitting patiently, waiting for someone to fix it or for it to fix itself, which the internet may or may not be able to do. To be honest I don’t know much about computers and I’m a horrible typist. I’m one of those people who look at the keyboard while typing which makes my current situation even harder since being moved to a new workstation with an older computer. Most of the keys are worn out and the letters have gone missing, which is probably just fine for a temp but it makes it hard to search for Ultimate X-Men trades on half.com when one can’t find the god damn X.

You would think this could be a good time to do some other projects I’ve been asked to work on but I’m left sitting here wondering when I’ll be able to check my e-mail. This is a prime time for me to tell myself that I was about to work on some freelance stuff (I’m starting to get some actual assignments), or at least print out some material for the article I have due on Friday which I have yet to start, but I know that I’m only using the disabled internet as another excuse. When it’s back up and running I’ll tell myself that I need to check my e-mail or read something on Slate.com or some other excuse to prolong the work I should have done two weeks ago. For some reason this has never bothered me. For every time I’m up against a deadline like this I never once have said, “Next month will be different. I’m going to get things done early.” Nope. Instead I’ve reinforced my procrastination habits by saying, “Well, you waited until the last minute, but you got the job done on time and think about all that stuff you did (basically just day-to-day life experiences) that contributed to the final result.” I’m a firm believer that everything you do is practice for the next thing you do. Call it what you will, such as the circle of life or karma or some other example that I should reference but I’m unable to look anything up on Wikipedia because the internet is down, but everything is most definitely interrelated. This is a passage from today’s Daily OM:

“Yet our initial impressions of an experience may not wholly reveal the true significance of that occurrence because our full response to an experience is like an onion with many layers that all have disparate meanings. Consider that a sunrise may stun us visually while simultaneously evoking memories of childhood and reminding us that each new day is a rebirth.”

Am I setting myself up for a fall? Maybe. Only time will tell. Until then I’ll be inadvertently prepping for whatever comes next. I guess I’ll know it when it happens.

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